Christmas Rush
by Quentin Long
[TBP] In which the fastest SCAB alive stumbles in unfamiliar territory
by Bill Hafoc Rogers
[TBP] Knowing thyself is overrated
Mythic Journeys,
part 8 (of 8) & epilogue
by Michæl W. Bard
When is an immortal not an immortal?
New Coyote, part 1 (of 7)
by Michæl Bergey
That guide dog isnt really a coyote, honest injun hes not
Zebra Girl
by Joe England
Anal probe, hold the anal
by John Prengaman, Jr.
Return of the mountain lion
Dronon reviews
Roadside Romeo
(animated film)
A good-looking canine love story thats low on heart and brains
El Lince Perdido
(animated film)
An okay adventure movie with too much action
K and R
by Cubist
Similar premises need not yield similar conclusions
From the Editors Maw
by Quentin Long Surplus (and) Population: What human history teaches us about furries
Starting this issue, Anthros advice column:
Dear Dragoness
by Dragoness
Relationships, with lovers and otherwise
Through the Looking-Glass
by Michæl W. Bard
Of Furs and Meat: Food for thoughtliterally
Down the Rabbit Hole
by Phil Geusz A Healthy, Growing Fandom: Where we are aint bad
Reality Soundbites
by Keith Morrison
The Log in Your Own Eye: What you must do that your characters shouldnt
The Red Kings Dream
by Wanderer Werewolf
Culture Isnt Just for Yogurt: Adding an extra dimension to a campaign
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Websites of interest to furs
Anthros work-in-progress listing of all furry books. We intend it to be exhaustive and comprehensive
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